Sunday, September 16, 2012
Being replaced by a guy, hurts a lot more than I thought it would.
So, this is my CURRENT situation. My best friend and wife divorced me on facebook to be in a relationship with this asshole, which is twenty three. Did I mention she's only seventeen? No, well I didn't think so. Anyway, in the begining he was all like I want you guys to like me. You guys as in me and my sister. Then her and him had a falling out. Where he dumped her for the stupidet reason, and all I heard for DAYS was her complaining about how much of an ass he was acting. But, of course she went back to him. I blocked him on facebook and he got all upset, started yelling saying she made me. I texted him and was like she didnt make me do shit, you did. Then I told him to hold me acountable for my actions, and to not take them out on her. He ended up breaking up with her for that. I guess she wasnt mad at me. They got back together like max a day later. Since then I've seen her once, in a month. So, much for best friends. She chooses him over me ALL the time. She'll make plans, then bale last minute with some dumb excuse. The one day I did hangout with her she was being a total bitch, for no reason. I brushed it off my shoulder and hungout with her anyway. Cause I love her, and thats what you do when you have a best friend. But, she hasn't been acting much like a best friend lately. School starts in like a day, and I don't know what it's going to be like. If she's going to want to hangout with me, cause her boyfriend obviously doesn't go to high school, he's twenty three for god sake! Well, that it. I'd ask for help, but no one reads thesee...*Wrote this at the end of August 2012*

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